Treble Voices, Grades 8-12

The Chorale consists of auditioned, advanced singers, male and female, with treble (unchanged) voices and advanced musical skills who will develop a larger repertoire. Singers work to refine and expand their musical and vocal skills. Emphasis is placed on artistic interpretation and excellence in performance. Chorale rehearses Tuesdays from 6:15-7:45 PM.

The Chorale:
  • Perform frequently at events with the Canterbury Adult Chorus at the Civic Center and with the Oklahoma City Philharmonic.
  • Recorded at the OKC National Memorial & Museum for the world premiere Of Perpetual Solace.
  • Host concerts at the Petree Recital Hall on the OCU campus, at INFORMance concerts, Holiday Concerts and Spring Concerts.
  • Have opportunities to perform nationally and recently toured in Hawaii.